Queer Vampyres

Light at the End, The

book      fiction

  • Light at the End, The
  • Author: John Skipp and Craig Spector
  • Publisher: Bantam Books
  • Year: 1986
  • Country: USA
  • 385 pages

child murders

book cover

Ten murders on the New York subway - all horrible, all inexplicable, no two alike. The city's tabloids blare forth headlines about a 'Subway Psycho.' The cops comb the island looking for a vicious hoodlum or an escaped lunatic. Both are wrong - for both are assuming that the killer is human.

Only a handful of people know the truth about the demonic force that has taken over Manhattan's cavernous underground.

The terrible way Rudy died one night in the echoing depths of an isolated subway tunnel. The creature he has now become - a cunning creature boasting ancient and unlimited evil. Worst of all, they know the dreadful fate he has in store for millions of innocent people.

Qvamp says:

The authors, self-identified as straight, are absolutely obsessed with homosexuality. However, the book is homophobic, and the gay characters are weak, prissy and whiny.

Rating C
Queer Vampire Rating C-
Amount of Gay Content alluded to


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