Queer Vampyres

House of the Vampire

book      fiction

  • House of the Vampire
  • Author: George Viereck
  • Publisher: Moffet, Yard & Co.
  • Year: 1907
  • Country: US
  • 190 pages
book cover

When a young writer is noticed by the artistic genius of his time, it seems as if he is destined for greatness. At last, someone to collaborate with on his unwritten novels. Not even the strange comments from the boy he is replacing can destroy his happiness.

Time passes wonderfully and he works on his masterpiece. But before he can finish it, his mentor produces a poem that bares an uncanny resemblance to his work. How can his mentor know his innermost thoughts?

Slowly his creativity leaves him, and only his best friend and his girlfriend can inspire him.

Qvamp says:

As this novel about psychic vampirism was written in 1907, the queer content is implied and not overt. Taking this into account, the language used suggests that the main character and his best friend have a relationship beyond mere friendship.

The main character does fall in love a woman half way through the novel. But even she notices the relationship between the two men and fears that the main character loves his friend far more than he loves her.

Also, the vampire essentially seduces the main character. He is enamored of the vampire and is completely obsessed by him.

Rating --
Queer Vampire Rating --
Amount of Gay Content lightly homoerotic


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