Queer Vampyres

Vampire Lestat, The

book      fiction

  • Vampire Lestat, The
  • Author: Anne Rice
  • Publisher: Knopf
  • Year: 1985
  • Country: US
  • 550 pages
book cover

Lestat is a creature of the darkest and richest imagination. Once an aristocrat in the heady days of pre-Revolutionary France, now a rock star in the demonic, shimmering 1980s, he rushes through the centuries in search of others like him, seeking answers to the mystery of his eternal, terrifying existence. His is a mesmerizing story -- passionate, complex, and thrilling.

Qvamp says:

The Vampire Chronicles continue with more homoerotic tension between queer vampires Louis and Lestat from Interview with the Vampire. As in the previous story the two never claim to be gay, but are still very passionate about each other.

Rating A
Queer Vampire Rating A
Amount of Gay Content alluded to


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Overall Rating: A+     Queer vampire Rating: A+    

Passing into Lestat's very essence is what this book offers... Fall in love break up again and again; feel the pain as if it was your own. First Lestat meets Nicki and embarks on discovery of mind and body with this youth. Held up in a rented room. Where Lestat is violently ripped form his love and raped into the world of darkness. Where he meets the eternally 17 Armand learns of his true dark nature after he falls in love; with the fiend. Finally Lestat finds Louis! This book I phenomenal! But then again I am partial, for my own reasons


Overall Rating: A     Queer vampire Rating: B+    

In terms of queer content, vampire hero Lestat is depicted as a true bisexual, Louis is nothing in particular (straight by default?). The only truly gay character is David first mentioned in 'The Queen of the Damned' who later becomes a vampire. Within these books, there is not much on lesbian vampires though (obviously not that fascinating to the straight female author), but we're rewarded with the first (to my knowledge) description of a vampire (Lestat) feasting on menstruation blood ;-) (I've been waiting for this for years) .. while the first book (Interview...) was a milestone of the genre the follow-ups became more and more trivial, but are still fascinating to read - especially for vampire lovers like me!


By: Shinigami ( NavyDragonGrl@aol.com )
Overall Rating: A+     Queer vampire Rating: A+    

I loved the book. My sister got me started on The Vampire Chronicles when I was 14-15. I admit that I have not been reading her books for long now, but when I read one of them I can not put them down until I finish it (or until I fall asleep reading it). These stories tell you a lot about what being a vampire is like. They make you feel like you are there with them as you read each and every story. It is so cool for an author to be able to bring you into the story the way that Rice can.


By: thou quoth me not ( sumbum21@hotmail.com )
Overall Rating: A     Queer vampire Rating: A    

The book is good, although it is a little more fantastical compared to the first one. The whole rock theme seems like something out of a common childhood dream. Lestat definitely seems more gay, you could only just get away with saying that the first book was just passionate, but this one, now with added kissing, is just queer.


By: Darkend_Angel ( paigepooh10@hotmail.com )
Overall Rating: A+     Queer vampire Rating: B    

The dark creature known as Lestat thrilled my heart, and chilled my bones. I loved the passionate sexual words of the book. It was very very perfectioned.


By: vampira00987 ( vampira00987@yahoo.com )
Overall Rating: A     Queer vampire Rating: A    

It may very well be the best book I have read. Anne Rice has a way with words and has a creative imagination that leaves me stunned. I, for one, have great pride (as a queer) in reading the works of Anne Rice.


By: Todd Surfs ( toddsurfslbca@yahoo.com )
Overall Rating: A     Queer vampire Rating: B-    

There's one fabulous, sweet, almost-tender interlude where Lestat recalls his lover before he became a vampire.


Queer Vampires


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