Queer Vampyres

Hotel Transylvania : A Novel of Forbidden Love

book      fiction

  • Hotel Transylvania : A Novel of Forbidden Love
  • Author: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
  • Publisher: St. Martin's Press
  • Year: 1978
  • Country: US
  • 252 pages
book cover

Le Comte de Saint-Germain - cultured, well-traveled, articulate, elegant, learned, honorable, an alchemist, and a man of many secrets - he is a mystery to the court of Louis XV. For Madelaine de Montalia, making her debut in society, he is as fascinating as he is enigmatic, an admiration he returns. But others are interested in her as well. The dark folly of her father's youth exposes her to danger that only someone of Saint-Germain's vast experience can comprehend or repulse.

In this first book of the Saint-Germain cycle, Saint-Germain establishes himself as the compassionate hero whose adventures span continents and millennia.

Qvamp says:

The first novel of the Saint-Germain series. Several of the characters are gay, but not exactly positively portrayed. The main character is a bisexual vampire and positively portrayed.

This book is more a historical romance that happens to have a vampire than a vampire novel. If you like descriptive, romantic, historical novels, you will likely enjoy the story.

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