Queer Vampyres

True Blood

tv      fiction

  • True Blood
  • Editor: various
  • Director: various
  • Producer: Alan Ball
  • Year: 2008
  • Country: US
  • 60 minutes
tv cover

Almost overnight, modern society has had to deal with vampires coming 'out of the coffin.' And while supposedly being removed from the menu, many humans look at them with distrust and revulsion. Sookie Stackhouse knows how it feels to be an outcast. 'Cursed' with the ability to listen in on people's thoughts, she's become open-minded about the integration of vampires, even though many have been galvanized by religious leaders and government officials around the world against them.

Qvamp says:

This series is based upon the Sookie Stackhouse books (the Southern Vampire Mysteries) by Charlaine Harris.

A great series that has a gay man as a main character, and at least one openly gay vampire. In addition to this, this series is worth watching for even more reasons. With the Religious Reich stating things like 'God hates fangs' and vampires are 'coming out of the casket,' and with vampires fighting for the right to get married, it is clear that vampires are this world's queers. This connection is even stated direction by the show's creator, who commented 'For me, part of the fun of this whole series is that it’s about vampires, so it’s not that serious ... However, they do work as a metaphor for gays . . . for anyone that's misunderstood. At the same time it’s not a metaphor at all.'

Lafayette, the black, drug-dealing, short-order cook is openly gay. Malcolm, an despicable elder vampire, may be coded as being gay, as he prefers to drink from men. During a flashback we find out that his current 'donor' is gay and blames the vampires for his boyfriend walking out on him. In episode eight we meet Eddy, a meek and timid gay vampire who is new to the vampire lifestyle.

Rating A
Queer Vampire Rating A
Amount of Gay Content making out

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By: vegasvamp ( joegyp@cox.net )
Overall Rating: A+     Queer vampire Rating: A    

This is my favorite HBO series and deserves all the praise it receives. Each episode is everything from entertaining to horror. It has some great characters(some hot to look at too!). If you haven't seen it, then by all means check it out! It is not had to tell the gay reference, just said or shown about Vampires instead. Excellent show, I hope HBO does all the novels and this show stays on for a long time. The next season, 3, starts on June 13 at 9pm.


Queer Vampires


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