Queer Vampyres

Mark Julian Vampire P.I.: The Case of the Choirboy Killer

book      fiction

  • Mark Julian Vampire P.I.: The Case of the Choirboy Killer
  • Author: Kyle Cicero
  • Publisher: Nazca Plains Corp.
  • Year: 2009
  • Country: US
  • 172 pages
book cover

The city is being hit by a wave of killings where the victims share two things
in common: 1) they are gay and, 2) they have been drained of blood. The press is
having a field day using a witness' description to label him as 'the choirboy
killer' and the gay community is up in arms. Worse the local vampire council is
convinced the killer one of their own who has gone rogue and is intentionally
committing these activities as an affront the entire undead community. 'I mean
we just don't act this way here,' sniffed the head of the council, 'I mean this
is New York City after all!'

The council wants it stopped and so they go to the only person from their
community who they think can find the killer and end his reign. Mark Julian, who
is a vampire like themselves and New York's only private eye for the
supernatural set. With the help of his secretary Jaime, an incubus/succubus
changeling sex demon he begins the hunt. His only major problem is that one of
New York's finest is also on the trail of the fiend who is dispatching the
city's citizens. When the hunky detective and Julian cross paths the gay
detective finds the well-built handsome law officer is not only impeding his
quiet search but also, for the first time in centuries, getting him heated up as
well. Will they join forces or will one of them fall victim to the sensational
choirboy killer?

Qvamp says:

A fun story, and the first in the Mark Julian series.

While (believe it or not) a gay vampire detective has
been done before, this series is a little more serious
in the treatment. Having a sex-switching
Incubus/Succubus that is attracted to men adds to the
queer angle.

Rating --
Queer Vampire Rating --
Amount of Gay Content sex


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