Queer Werewolves

Polish Vampire in Burbank, A

movie      fiction

  • Polish Vampire in Burbank, A
  • Author: Mark Pirro
  • Director: Mark Pirro
  • Producer: Pirromount Studios
  • Year: 1985
  • Country: USA
  • 84 minutes
movie cover

Being a vampire isn't easy, especially if you are a shy vampire like Dupah. For years he's been content sitting at home watching television while his family ventured out to stalk victims. One day his father sends a reluctant Dupah out to get his own meals. Wackiness ensues.

Qvamp says:

An extremely silly movie, bordering on just bad enough to be good. In his travels, Dupah meets 'Queer Wolf'. A man who was bitten by a queer and becomes gay when the moon is full. Kind of homophobic.

Rating C
Queer Vampire Rating C-
Amount of Gay Content affection


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