Queer Ghosts

Wired Hard 3

book      fiction

  • Wired Hard 3
  • Editor: Cecilia Tan
  • Publisher: Circlet Press
  • Year: 2002
  • Country: US
  • 181 pages
book cover

This book brings together 12 stories that are both steamy and stimulating to the imagination. Exploring masculinity and the desire of men for other men through the lens of otherworldly settings and characters, these authors create hot sexual fiction that goes beyond the formulas found in gay men's magazines. The stories here run the gamut from humorous to dark-edged, from fairy tale to space opera, but each one seeks to satisfy both the imagination and the libido.

Qvamp says:

The stories are mostly science-fiction in nature. Only two dealt with anything horrific. 'Always' is a romance story involving ghosts. 'Demon Heart' is an extremely short story (four pages) involving a demon summoning.

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