Queer Ghosts

Coldheart Canyon: A Hollywood Ghost Story

book      fiction

  • Coldheart Canyon: A Hollywood Ghost Story
  • Author: Clive Barker
  • Publisher: Harper Collins
  • Year: 2001
  • Country: US
  • 688 pages
book cover

Film's most popular action hero needs a place to heal after surgery that has gone terribly wrong. His fiercely loyal agent finds him just such a place in a luxurious, forgotten mansion high in the Hollywood Hills. But the original owner of the mansion was a beautiful woman devoted to pleasure at any cost, and the terrible legacy of her deed has not yet died. There are ghosts and monsters haunting Coldheart Canyon, where nothing is forbidden.

Qvamp says:

This book is about sexual perversion, and every sexual permutation is explored, man-woman, man-man, woman-woman, man-man-woman, woman-horse, man-child, etc.

Virtually every character in the book has some same-sex experience. One character is exclusively gay, and one exclusively straight, the rest are quite bent.

The book is unusual, and a good read, but a bit long. It may not be for everyone.

Rating --
Queer Vampire Rating --
Amount of Gay Content sex


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By: DarkJohn ( Magic2me3@yahoo.com )
Overall Rating: B+     Queer ghost Rating: A    

This book has some great homo erotic scenes, I have never before been turned on by a book! Truly a crowning achievement for Clive! I highly recommend this book, especially if you are a fan of Clive's.



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