Queer Ghosts

Haunted Hearths & Sapphic Shades: Lesbian Ghost Stories

book      fiction

  • Haunted Hearths & Sapphic Shades: Lesbian Ghost Stories
  • Editor: Catherine Lundoff
  • Publisher: Lethe Press
  • Year: 2008
  • Country: US
  • 268 pages
book cover

At their heart, ghost stories are often domestic tales, and so there is little wonder why women have been some of the finest tellers of such stories: cautionary tales and stories where oppression is avenged by the grim ethereal, of lovers lost to life but who refuse to part.

Early ghost stories are filled with characters that can be read as coded lesbians - maiden aunts and spinsters - lurking at the fringe of mortal life. But here are seventeen authors who have written of shades, varying from the eerie to the romantic. These are phantoms who may well menace or linger long in the dreams of readers.

Qvamp says:

To be fair, this book probably should be titled 'Romantic Lesbian Ghost Stories' as every one of them focused on relationships in some way - be they human-human or human-spirit.

That said, it is especially exciting to find a collection of openly lesbian stories, as many of the early works of Gothic and ghostly horror included women coded as lesbian but never explicitly stated as such.

This is an intriguing and suspenseful, and sometimes even tragic, collection of ghost stories, ranging from ghostly romances to fear of the unknown. There are even a few dealing with the terror of vengeful, cruel or even plain confusing spooks.

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