Miscellaneous Queer Monsters

Chopper Chicks in Zombietown

movie      fiction

  • Chopper Chicks in Zombietown
  • AKA:
    Cycle Sluts (1989) (USA)
  • Author: Dan Hoskins
  • Director: Dan Hoskins
  • Producer: Troma Films
  • Year: 1989
  • Country: US
  • 86 minutes
movie cover

Bad-ass biker babes battle flesh eating zombies in this low-budget film from Troma Studios. Gleefully ridiculous script, engaging performances, decent low-tech effects will thrill cult fans seeking campy fun.

Qvamp says:

Silly, but not anything you'd put on your top 10 list. Of course the insanely butch lesbian leader has some good lines.

Rating --
Queer Vampire Rating --
Amount of Gay Content alluded to


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User Ratings

By: bigjerbear ( bigjerbear@gmail.com )
Overall Rating: C-     Queer zombie Rating: C-    

This movie is fun :) and provides one of the earliest appearances of Billy Bob Thornton


By: David Cheater ( david_cheater@outlook.com )
Overall Rating: B     Queer zombie Rating: D+    

Pretty much the definition of a B movie.

It would work a bit better as horror if they had resisted the impulse to use 'silly' music when we see the ghouls.

The queer content is minimal but solid It's a woman-centric movie rather than a queer-specific movie.


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