Miscellaneous Queer Monsters

Blood Pact

book      fiction

  • Blood Pact
  • Author: Tanya Huff
  • Publisher: Daw Books
  • Year: 1993
  • Country: US
  • 332 pages
book cover

It began with the call no daughter ever wants to get, the call that told private investigator Vicki Nelson her mother had died. Mrs. Nelson's coworker at the Queen's University Life Science Department told Vicki that the cause of death was a heart attack, and that they'd be waiting for her to arrive in Kingston to make the funeral arrangements. But what started as an all too normal personal tragedy soon became the most terrifying case of Vicki's career.

For when Marjory Nelson's body mysteriously disappeared from the funeral home, Vicki, her sometime lover and fellow investigator, vampire Henry Fitzroy, and her former homicide squad partner, Detective-Sergeant Mike Celluci, realized that there was something unnatural about her mother's demise. Vicki swore she'd find the culprit, and see that her mother was properly laid to rest. But what she hadn't counted on was that someone at Queen's University seemed determined to keep Mrs. Nelson on the job -- alive or dead!

Qvamp says:

As in her other books, a main character in her stories is a bisexual vampire named Henry Fitzroy, romance writer and illegitimate son of Henry VIII.

In this story, Henry's relationship with Tony, a street hustler, and focuses more on bisexual vampire Henry and straight cop Mike and their competition to become the one and only partner for Vicky/Victory.

Henry is outed several times as interested in men, and even makes Mike uncomfortable as he lusts after his body after he begins to gain a grudging respect for him.

In addition, early in the story Henry has to feed and ends up finding a gay couple in the throes of passion and joins them in a spectacular 3-way.

Rating B+
Queer Vampire Rating B-
Amount of Gay Content affection


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